Newgie - possibly soon to be my new favorite news site

I joined a new site today called This is a news site that examines user activity on news stories and uses predictive analytics to assign a score to each article. The higher an article’s score, the more likely it is that users will find that article interesting.

I signed up and, although some user options are not going to open until I confirm my email address, I am looking the site over and finding it very useful to me in locating stories of interest.

I love the concept of article ranks by user activity, something that will allow me to locate stories in my interest areas that are of current interest to others. When I went to open a story in the Entertainment section on Bob Barker retiring I was pleased to see a little info screen hovering over it that let me see more about the story without opening it. This info screen included an excerpt from the article, when it was posted, where it's from, a link to the full story, the rating it has received, and links for me to add it to my favorites, share, or discuss the article.

There also seem to be communities to join so that I can locate others with interests in news similar to mine (I wonder if there really are others out there that want news without graphic details on how many people died in what ways?)... Anyway, is a very kewl looking site so fat that from the little I have seen I think is about to replace CNN as my news reference source.