I'm looking for about 10,000 words if anyone has a few laying around that they're not using. That's about how many words behind I am in my National Novel Writer's Month project now. ::pounds head on desk::
I'm not going to give up though, I'll just use this as inspiration to all those out there what say that it's not possible to start in the third week and make it to the finish line.
I've pulled off last minute escapes a few times so far, I just want to some day get to the end without most of my writing being in the last week. That produces such gibberish that I have no desire to go back and revise it into something good (yes I edit as I go - bad me).
So, I'm now going to do the National Novel Writer's Three Weeks I suppose LOL Any takers on a bet on if I can make it to December 1st with my 50,000 word novel AND my sanity?
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