Okay, some times, the folks at PayPerPost can get.. ehh... a little scary. LOL
Here we have a perfect example of insanity that has been left to fester a little tooooo long. And just think, there are people that are right now being paid to do this very thing to their shower doors. ::shaking head:: What won't someone do for money? Anyway, I just thought it was another snicker worthy, if a bit disturbed, example of the insanity that makes me love using PayPerPost as my primary blog marketing site.
Just so you are forewarned on what that is all about, it's a catfish impression. Be afraid, be very very afraid. LOL
It's a good thing that, in my own ways, I'm as insane as them people all are. Otherwise I'd be backing away and reaching for the phone to call in the little men with the comfy white coats to take a few people away.
Just a brief moment of insanity, trust me, it'll pass.... I think
Posted by
on Thursday, November 16, 2006
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