NaNoWriMo is here!

Okay, it's here, NaNoWriMo

I'm officially INSANE. I am going to work my way through a 50,000 word novel over the course of the next month. As of this moment I have no idea what I am up to, had no plot up until about 10:30 this evening when my friend V logged off for the night. Just before she left things went along the lines of:

me: Wait!!
V: =c?
me: O:-)
me: I don't have ANY plots on what I am working on for NaNo - care to pitch a random genera at me to write in?
me: Will take anything as a start from scifi to gay to christian
V: genre?!? uhmmmm... westerns or for some unknown reason film-noire type detective mysteries are the first things that popped in to my head as a definition of 'genre'.
me: that's what genre is
V: so you want more thoght than just knee jerk jeopardy? LOL
me: either way, I can start on knee jerk and change later LOL
V: alrighty then. modern/urban fantasy.
me: As in elves in suburbs?
V: or as in xmen in suburbs, yeah, basically
me: ..................::::pondering possible muses::::..... OOOhhh Xman types --- ohhhh, more muses
me: Was thinking as I watched Heros I should write xmen type one day
me: Okies, you go sleep, I'll go unload washer and dishwasher and reload them and then writre
me: then write
V: exactly, that's what i consider urban fantasy. it's technically scifi, but, more whimsical

So that's what I am starting with on my plot plans for NaNo - an urban fantasy type novel that as of now has no plot yet.

I have decided on two characters though. A suburbanite type housewife and a guy I am pondering making a wealthy playboy philanthropist type. We'll see how it works out. So no my normal genre so it'll be a interesting challenge to tackle. No name for it yet other than "NaNoWriMo 2006" - not a very catchy title.

I'm thinking it's a good thing I decided to go back on my diet today. I can loose weight by typing instead of munching on stuff. - yeah, right, like that's ever worked before.

Oh, and I have Chris Baty's book this time, No Plot No Problem, so I'll be working my way through that as I go along. (Chris is the guy that started this whole insanity of 50,000 words in 30 days.)

NaNoWriMo 2006
Current Chapter: 1
Today's Word Count: 0
Chapter Word Count: 0
Total Word Count: 0
Current Favorite Method of Procrastination: updating blog and cleaning bedroom