My writing day analyzed

I've decided to take a look at just what I do in a day as far as writing goes. So here is the analysis of what my day is like:

5 a.m. - Wake up and log into AIM - chat with my friends for 1 to 2 hours as they get ready for work or take their lunch break depending on if they are on the West coat or the East coast.

8 a.m. - Work on blogs, getting them all caught up for the day. This can usually take me from to noon.

Noon - Talk to my friend on the West coast at her lunch break.

1 p.m. - there is not a lot of writing that can get done between 1 and 5 p.m., I am as a general rule too busy jumping around helping my parents and getting things done around the house. I do some posts to blogs, but as a rule they are brief or articles reprinted with permission from other sources. Most of the work done here is on my websites trying to get them figured out to be set up how I want them to be.

5 p.m. - From 5 to 7 is my AIM time. I log into AIM and talk with my friends, sometimes I stay later than 7 p.m., sometimes I do some writing or blog posting, but mostly this is my time to just zone out.

7 p.m. - from around 7 until 10 or so I just try to catch up on my blogs again and see what I can get done work wise. Sometimes (okay a lot of the time) I will still be on AIM around this time as I multitask on working on websites and such.

10p.m.- Anywhere between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. I am trying to get to a point where I can sleep so I am working on mindless things such as organizing index cards with character profiles on them, scribbling notes on story ideas, drawing maps, whatever I can do that takes minimal focus and will let me just zone out until I am able to get to go to bed.

Then I wake back up between 5 and 8 am the next morning and do it all over again. Obviously there are minor changes, I may spend more time playing with polymer clay than writing during one of those points, or painting, or cleaning rather than writing, or I may spend an entire day without writing anything as I make a trip to town or something. It just kind of varied, but that is the basic structure of a writing day and everything else kind of fits itself around that.