U-DOO Ringtone and avatar

I'm sure that you have seen them avatars that look around and follow your mouse on the screen and such - right. U-DOO is a new program that you can use to build those avatars and matching ringtones. Downloadable ringtones can also be e-mailed to your friends and published to your MySpace pages.

Record your ringtones or create them using prerecorded or text to speech options. Then design the avatar to match them including adjusting the sizes of the head and features, changing the age, or adding accessories to make them truly personalized avatars.

If this sounds kewl to you, then you can Check it out here. And, the first 60 days are free.
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been a paid post for U-DOO


Anonymous said...

Are you looking for Free Ringtones?

Are you sure you can handle free? Most websites that promise free dont' really tend to understand what free really means. Free does not mean that you send the tone on a wap link or mms and the person ends up using their data plan. Free means the person does not incur any cost to get the ringtone. Ringaholic.com => Free Ringtones

Download the ringtones to your computer and then transfer them to your phone using a usb cable or bluetooth. Now that is free.