My entry for the "Antique" category for Photo Hunters.
I admit it, I did slight retouching to blur the ugly background and fix a few points on the desk. (Trust me, it was needed, I don't think it breaks the rules.)
This is an old Royal in beautiful condition, with it's case, that my mom picked up. It is one of two of these old typewriters we have now.
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I use to have an old typewriter - who knows where it is today. What a great antique!!
Wow! Very nice antique. I think I like typing on my laptop better, though. It's much easier to correct my mistakes :o)
This is a cool picture showcasing your typewriter. I never typed well enough to consider a typewriter over a computer, backspacing is my thing, but I love the sounds they make. . . if just "feels" like writing.
Good old technique for typing, I have a lot of pictures where my grandmother worked for the same typewriter.
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