As much as I love writing, it is not something that I want to be doing for a living for the rest of my life. Someday I want to go back to just writing for enjoyment and to craft a story that I do not have to sell or writing mindless drivel without worry that I have to get back to work on my novel. Which of course, means that I need to save for retirement someday.
Trust me, that is not as easy as it sounds. You save up a little money, then something happens and someone needs that money and - your retirement funds have gone kaput.
I decided that when I manage to get together some money I can invest I am going to invest it. I plan to buy some gold bullion, or other precious metals, from the Monex Deposit Company and have it stockpiled away in an independent depository. The hard asset professionals at Monex will even be able to help me with getting my investment to the depository. Of course, it is tempting to have them send it to me via personal delivery, then I could actually pet my gold and love it like I know gold needs, but I think I would prefer to have it somewhere that I won't be as tempted to cash it in if something happens and I need some money without really needing it. If you know what I mean.
I like Monex too, they have been in business for over 40 years and have built themselves a reputation as being America's precious metals investment leader. I'm sure I won't be able to afford to invest in gold bullion this year, or next year, but one of these years I am going to buy myself a whole bunch of gold and stockpile it away in a depository so that when I am old and no longer want to have to work I can relax by a fire and read all the books I have always promised myself I would one day read.
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