I find it amusing that among the snipping about in both directions on the bloggers and the AP I find my way to the About.com Freelance Writing pages and in a article Start Freelance Writing I find a list for what those wanting to be freelance writers should do... one of the points on the list?
> Start a blog
Hmmm... interesting. So, the reporters of tomorrow are being told to start blogging today? I'm guessing that given what looks to me like an anti-blogging stance by the AP these future reporters are not ones that are intended to go on to write for the AP.
Ah well, I agree with the advice that if you want to be a writer you should start yourself a blog. I also have a belief that one day all information will be freely shared by people over the Internet and shared knowledge will be of more value for its intellectual gain than monetary gain.
In some ways I understand the snobbery leveled towards bloggers. I suppose if real people started practicing medicine minus decades of school and hard work, doctors would revolt too. However, like it or not, everyone now has the ability to publish content. Readers will decide upon the value and those decisions will be based on usefulness not credentials. I believe that as we evolve we'll all find a way to peacefully coexist and perhaps learn from one another.
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