Tracking Receipts

As a small business owner I need to keep track of my receipts, and now that I am going to be running two small businesses from home (three if you count my work as a family caregiver) I need a much better way than to tuck the receipts into a pencil box to be sorted out.

I am not sure just what method I will be using, so am looking for any suggestions anyone might have on how to keep track of work receipts. Not so much the entry into a spreadsheet type of tracking as what to do with the actual physical receipt – particularly in this day and age when the paper that they are printed on fades over time until you can’t make out what is on older receipts.


Unknown said...

I use the home and business version of Quickbooks. I'm still learning how to use it, but so far, I'm liking it.

Megan J.
Article Writer