Torchwood tension back again

Guest post written by Emmy Woodson

I think that one of the greatest things about Torchwood was closer to the beginning when there was obvious tension between Gwen Cooper and Captain Jack Harkness. I guess that the series had to start out like that because in Doctor Who there was always that bit of tension between the Doctor and his companion. Well, except with Donna. They could have never been romantically involved but they were hilarious together! But I guess that in Torchwood the tension was a little racier because the series was racier.

I guess now that the series is back on though, Torchwood doesn't have to rely so much on the tension. Besides Gwen has a family of her own now anyway. I was looking up some spoilers about other parts of the season and while I was doing that I ran across the website Once I looked through it some, I talked my husband into switching over our home internet service to it.

I guess there are more pressing things at hand than romantic tension during this season of Torchwood, like reversing the miracle and saving the planet from over population.

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