yWriter - free word processor program for writers

As I get ready for entering into the chaos that is NaNoWriMo I find myself looking at what program is best for my mad dash to the finish of 50,000 words. Once again I am going to use the program reccomended to me by a old friend that I had encountered doing NaNoWriMo last year.

yWriter is made by SpaceJock and is a word processor for writers. It is free story writing software written by author Simon Haynes, author of two science fiction novels. yWriter is the product of several years of development in an effort to create a program that would do everything Mr. Haynes wanted to do in such a program from writing, to seeing what characters have the most POV areas, to exporting the entire story to a text file for easy printing to send to a publisher. This is by no means the whole extent of the programs many features and I encourage you to check it out and see for yourself why I love yWriter. My friends all use this program for everything from their own noveling work to organizing information for role playing games.