Don't believe everything you're told

Maxim says that everything you know.... is wrong. And they now have the site that will explain just why these Common Myths that you have believed for so long are not quite what you assume.

Everything from the truth about shaving your head to make your hair grow thicker, to the Catholic Church being the biggest land owner in the world.

How about that gas saving myth about putting your car in neutral as you're going down a hill? Is red wine really good for you?

Take a look at the new Common Myth and Urban Legend Debunkment Section at Maxim that examines which ones are true and which are false.

One of them that got me the most was how exactly they say the cockroach would manage to survive a nuclear blast. Woah! Is an understatement and I now have these images of a planet infested by zombie cockroaches.

I have to disagree with their assessment on the dog ages, they are right, however, they left off the note that dog ages also vary by breed. For example - a Chihuahua does not age the same way that a Saint Bernard ages.