Seasoned Trade Lines LLC - fix bad credit by piggybacking?

You all probably know by now that I've been looking into credit cards. Those circumstances that seem to creep up on one in life forwent the creeping and just backhanded me a few years back and really played hell with my credit score and have been ever since.

My eye was caught by Seasoned Trade Lines. LLC - a market program that looks for people with at least 2 years of good credit that will agree to add someone with bad credit onto their credit card as an authorized user. The site claims that it is all perfectly legal and called "piggybacking" and through that they can use your credit history to make someone else's credit history look good, adding up to 200 points to someone's credit history in as little as 2 weeks.

It sounds majorly fishy to me. Seasoned Trade Lines claims that it's safe, that all you do is put someone on your credit card as an authorized user, have the card sent to you, and then just use it for a purchase. Then, 60 days later, the other guy is given your credit history.

But something that I have to wonder is, does that mean you also pick up his credit history? By piggybacking some guy on yer credit card so he can improve his credit score, do you screw up your own?

Seasoned Trade Lines claims that if their client does not maintain their credit it will not effect yours in any way, but I did not see any assurances that the history reports do not reflect upon your history.

It's all nice and good to help people repair their credit, but I don't think I would trust it. Seasoned Trade Lines says that the FTC says that this technique can be used to help people like home makers and college students, who ordinarily could not get credit. I'm thinking that the FTC meant for Suzie Homemaker to be put on Hubby Homemaker's card and for them to then put College-bound Timmy on their cards - not for Suzie Homemaker to have Donald Trump put her on his credit so she can fix all the Home Shopping Network debit that messed up her credit history.

This was a paid ad for Seasoned Trade Lines LLC


Scott B said...

Piggybacking no longer works, no more credit is given for an authorized user. If you need to rebuild your credit and repair your credit, it is better to do a little research and do it yourself. Credit Repair - Self Help