The Fox is here - multitasking is easier once again

Ah ha! I've got Firefox on my new computer now. It is so easy to get addicted to them tabs that Firefox has, I tried, I really did try, to go with Explorer until after I could get DSL put in, but it was driving me completely insane. You have no idea how many windows I open up as I am working, and to have to sort through them all to find things was insane. With Firefox I just open a few windows and then use the tabs to group similar things together. That lets me work on one thing in one window and another thing in another and have all the reference material in one easy location I can find it for that project. To say nothing of how much I missed the built in spell checker.

Trust me. Go download Firefox and at least try it if you don't already have it. I love the program.

Go here to download Firefox

And note: you can transfer your histories and bookmarks etc into Firefox from Explorer, so you don't have to start from scratch. And if you decide you don't care for it, don't worry, your bookmarks and such are all still in Explorer, just uninstall Firefox and go back to Explorer.

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