Having trouble finding tickets to a concert? - sponsored post

Last September, when I went down to Georgia to see the Keith Urban concert with my friends, we had to sit on opposite ends of the theater because when we went to buy my ticket there was only one seat left - damn near behind a pillar. Ended up sitting right in front of it in the back corner with men over 6’ tall standing right in front of me. They did stand up too - and at my short little 5’2" I could not see over them to see the concert I had flown from Alaska to see.
Why? Because places are able to buy up seats at concerts and sell the seats off to people that know where to find them.

Premium Seats USA says that they solve the nuisance of trying to get a seat "by providing a huge selection of first-class tickets to all concerts, sports and theater events nationwide," I‘ll give you three guesses how they manage that. They snap up lots of seats and then hawk them off to people at a profit.

I don’t have proof that it‘s actually done, but when large numbers of Event Tickets vanish from the theater website and show up on broker sites it certainly looks like that’s how it works to me.

Premium Seats USA goes on to say: "Just about anything you can think of, this premium online ticket broker makes it happen; if it's a comedy show you crave or a fabulous show in Vegas, consider the tickets in your hands."

This has been a paid posting sponsored by Premium Seats USA