Box Widget lets you share pictures and more

This is a kewl little gadget that I have looked at before and have now been playing with as a way to share images of novel covers and such. I have borrowed the covers of my friend Dakota's novels to show what I am playing around with here -

This kewl little widget is a a flash player that lets you share podcasts, music, photos, videos, and any other type of file. The folks are offering unlimited bandwidth with this widget, and will host up to 1gb of files for free.

I love the way this thing works, it's great for sharing family pictures or sound files, etc, on a website, but I think it would also be great for what I have here - letting people browse through the covers of your novels or whatever. It would be great if each image could open to a page where the novel is listed, but I can see possibilities with it like this even - can't you? Check out the widget at Widget and see what you can come up with to help in your marketing or even just for something to add interest to your novel or writing website.

I plan to use one on my writer's website for a series of writing prompt pictures.

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