Plot Type: Rivalry of kin

Rivalry of kin

Character types:

Preferred Kinsman
Rejected Kinsman
The Object of Rivalry

Basic Synopsis: The rivalry of kin might be a story in which two children compete for the affections of one or both parents. It could also be a story in which brothers (or sisters) compete for the affections of the same woman (man). Rivalry can be all in good fun, where the brothers are not out to hurt one another as they vie for the attentions of the same girl, rather they do things that would cause the other to be late for a date or laughed at in an effort to win the girl for themselves. Rivalry can also be all or nothing, in which one or both of the siblings are so intent on their goal that they are willing to injure, perhaps even kill, their sibling to achieve that goal. Any form of kinsman is subject to be the basis of this story. A common theme is the mother competing against the step-daughter for the attention of the son.