What is Fanfiction?

Recent events over at LiveJournal have probably brought the term "FanFiction" to the attention of many people that had never heard of it before. I'm not an expert, so I'll give a vague answer then refer you over to the folks that know fanfiction best.

Fanfiction is quite simply the fans of a book, comic, movie, television show, etc, deciding that they want to explore different possibilities for the characters they love.

One that I have heard is agreeable to FanFiction, although I have not seen myself where she has said so, is J.K. Rowling. There is a huge fan following for Harry Potter and from what I have been told J.K. Rowling has no problem with her fans exploring possible stories on their own. So a fan of the series might decide to write a short story that has Harry Potter being officially adopted by the Weasleys when he is an infant rather than going to his aunt and uncle. That would be called an Alternate Universe (AU) because it ignores the fact that Harry was obviously not adopted by the Weasleys. Another writer might decide that a scene from the book or one of the movies left out something and write a scene that could easily be slipped into place and become a part of the story for those that want to keep everything matching J.K. Rowling's world of Harry Potter.

Now, if you want to know more about it I would refer you to FanFiction.net and to the Wikipedia entry for fanfiction