You've seen those online courses, right?

The things where you log into your computer and attend college from home. Have you ever wondered just what it was really like to be attending a college over the Internet?

Inside Online Education is a podcast from Capella University that shows you just that, what it is like to be a part of an online university. Using first person point of view the podcasts take a look at university life from the viewpoints of various capella university students, faculty and staff members.

One of the students that have been featured is Dr. Carla Thomas, a family physician in Anniston, Alabama. Dr. Thomas is currently pursuing her PhD in healthcare administration at Capella University and talks about her ambition to one day be the U.S. Surgeon General.

Find out more about Dr. Thomas, and other students, on the Inside Online Education podcasts from Capella University.

The podcasts are a regular feature and contain first person interviews of Capella students, faculty and staff. Podcasts can be downloaded at the Capella website (, via RSS feed at or through subscription from iTunes.

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